About the Artist

Rock with a little bit of heavy thrown in

In Darkness is a premium Canadian rock band based in the city of Regina, Saskatchewan. Founded in 2003, they have been a band of constant change and evolution in both their music, and their persistent pursuit of dedicated musicians. The wide range of musical tastes and influences presented by each member give In Darkness a truly original sound, ranging from mellow and introspective, to flesh tearing insanity, and just about everywhere else in between. Their dedication to their music shows in their high energy, often chaotic on stage performance, which has been described by fans as anything from "a mixture of Pantera, Tool, and Metallica" to "Pearl Jam on Steroids". The goal of In Darkness, besides making sure that everyone in the world hears their music, is to make the music they want to hear, and love to play.

See the set

In Darkness

Austin, TX
