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About the performance

mpameize chris_ he also known as MCS from RWENSHAMA KAJAHO ISINGIRO WESTERN UGANDA
but his details says that mpameize chris was born on " july 08th 2004 " would you like to know about his parents //FATHER---ALEX MUBARAKA BUHAMIZO & MOTHER---BETETH KEMIGABO SARAH // his only parents and his brothers&sisters (FRIDAY-NUWAHEREZA-MANDE-MUZAMIRO-ASHRAPH-MUZAFALO-HUMARU-KABAZAMU-TETE ,H-PHIONA KANKUNDA-NASASIRA-NABASA-NIMUSIMA-) mpameizechris's information about his caarer
mpameizechris can read or speak surch language like this ?
and more _
would like to known his number ?
+256751221498 +256709844030
mpameize chris his life style grown where ?
he grew up at RWENSHAMA village isingiro district
HIS"his blood type : 0 -bb -#his hair black*
he makes some kind of plactical hands like to be mechanical driver dancer singer just 2be succesor or he like to eat things like that ? ?
fish meat fruits & other
his time or to find mcs ?
on gim
on tv
and othe

mpameize chris -  - 2022-07-30T06:29:00+00:00

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Profile blank mpamei…@gma…org over 1 year

kyekyo mcs

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Profile blank mpamei…@gma…org over 1 year

kyekyo mcs

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